Yongseop Jeong

Senior Researcher, ETRI
Drive toward "touching tomorrow".
Last Updated: 02/16/2025



Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
Senior Researcher
Field Robotics Research Section, Artificial Intelligence Robot Research Division
Artificial Intelligence Creative Research Laboratory
July 2023 - Present
March 2023 - June 2023

Co-founder, Director, Pilot Division Lead

3SECONDZ Inc., a tech-startup established in 2016, aims to extract intelligence from driving data. They commercialized the world's first AI-based motorsports coach. Starting with the self-developed driving data logger device "XYRO", they completed a total solution covering data collection, analysis, management and utilization. They are seeking ways to enter the ADAS, autonomous driving, connected car and mobility markets with their own driving-data ecosystem.

As the lead of Pilot division, I'm in charge of government-funded projects and prior research for future growth carried out by 3SECONDZ R&D Center.

March 2019 - February 2023


KAIST Graduate Student Association
Information Technology Specialist
March 2014 - February 2017

Sungkyunkwan Institute Of Robot
Representative (2009)

SIOR (Sungkyunkwan Institute Of Robot) is a robot research group of Dept. of Information Engineering (currently College of Information and Communication Engineering), Sungkyunkwan University, established in 1985. Based on the acquisition of knowledge and understanding through undergraduate studies, group members research and produce actual embedded robots and systems, to acquire knowledge about theoretical and practical aspects of our field to be capable engineers.

Life member since March 2006


February 2023
Doctor of Philosophy
Robotics, Future Vehicle
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Supervisor: Kweon, In So
Dissertation: Purpose-Built Sensor Fusion for Autonomous Vehicles

February 2013
Master of Science in Engineering
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Supervisor: Kweon, In So
Thesis: An Integrated UGV and UAV Robot System for Effective Surveillance

February 2011
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Science in Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Sungkyunkwan University

Supervisor: Kuc, Tae-Yong
Capstone Design: SODUC: Smart-Oriented Driving in the U-City

February 2006
High School
Andong High School


October 2014
The 12th Autonomous Vehicle Contest
Hyundai Motor Group

Passion Prize (#5), KAIST EureCar Turbo

May 2014
2014 Student Design Showcase
National Instruments

Finalist, EureCar: KAIST Self-Driving Car

November 2010
The 5th Capstone Design Contest
School of Information Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University

Grand Prize (#1), SODUC: Smart-Oriented Driving in U-City

August 2009
Robot Software Contest
Korea Robotics Society

Silver Prize, ESOP: Easy Operation

March 2006
National Excellence Scholarship (Science & Engineering)
Korea Student Aid Foundation

Full Tuition Waiver



Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
218 Gajeong-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34129, Republic of Korea




yongseop etri.re.kr
to.yongseop gmail.com